General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Our policy is to treat all personal data with utmost care and protection.
The data we hold is:
Personal detail, emails, address, phone numbers, provided medical information, your provided emergency contacts, and the days your attend The Shed (and sign in). Note: we do not hold any financial details of members.
Where the data is stored:
The data is held only on local password protected computer systems and Microsoft Office 365 One Drive and held within the EU. Access is tightly controlled and provided to those that need it. Typically, just the three committee members who undertake membership duties; who are currently the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
What we use your data for:
- For routine information and communication with all members of our community group.
- To contact you in the event of unforeseen circumstances
- Medical information, and emergency contact information, will only be used or released in the event of a medical emergency.
Who the data will be shared with:
- No third parties.
- The data will only ever be used for The Shed, Wymondham.
How long is the data stored for:
- All membership data is held only on current members of The Shed, Wymondham. Information on lapsed members is routinely purged from our records, approximately every six months.
- During membership renewals we ask you to confirm your agreement for us to hold digital information on you.
Your rights
- The right to complain to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) if you believe there is a problem with the way your data is being handled.
- The right to have your data deleted
- The right to access data of yours we hold
- The right to be informed.